You can reach enthusiastic customers with products and services that are optimally tailored to the customers’ needs and desires.
At the same time, it is important to find the right pricing that considers the relevant willingness to pay and price thresholds as well as the price and service levels of the competitors. We offer integrated concepts and methods which reliably accompany all phases of product development and provide you with new inspirations to gain and captivate customers. This lets you recognize the strengths, potentials and limits of your product strategies early on and avoid flopping on the market.

Key offers for product development and pricing

Professional and creative.

Idea identification & product innovation

We use creative techniques to develop innovative product ideas with you and the relevant product managers, customers and sales staff which don’t exist on the market yet.
Differentiated needs assessments
With our extensive and qualitative range of methods, we analyze the customers’ needs, desires, and their concrete buying behavior. This lets us supply the ideal foundations for new product ideas and targeted product modifications.
Competent concept tests
We apply qualitative and quantitative research methods to select and optimize concepts and for the first estimation of price thresholds. As a result, we provide you with reliable detailed information about the effectiveness and further development. You receive clear recommendations for actions regarding the most promising concepts and advise you about which direction and with which possible modifications you should advance your product concepts.

product tests

To determine the market potentials of your concepts and support the concrete product design, we select the research method that best matches your particular issues.
We often apply sophisticated conjoint-analytical procedures as well. This enables us to show you which product customization lets you optimally fulfill the customers’ preferences and additional wishes – and at the same time benefit from the existing willingness to pay as much as possible.
Name tests &
packaging tests
The names and packaging of products also help determine their market success. We provide you with valuable information about the development and testing of attractive product names and packaging designs, thus helping to comprehensively maximize the chances of your product on the market.
Product positioning & product brand
Products can be positioned in the market in various ways by means of different marketing activities and advertising campaigns. We show you which positioning lets you approach and captivate the most attractive target groups and will support you in the sustainable development and maintenance of independent product brands.

Key competencies for product development & pricing

What distinguishes us in particular…

Individual research concepts which inspire

Each of our product studies is unique: The overall design, methods and project details are customized precisely for your goals and product. We advise you on what makes sense from a market research perspective, what is possible and what fits best to your specific goals, expectations, requirements and budgets.

Integrated qualitative & quantitative methods

In terms of overall understanding, depth and scope of information, intelligent connections between qualitative and quantitative methods often have much better and more informative results than isolated individual processes. Depending on the issue, we apply qualitative methods for preparation or intensification before and/or after using quantitative research designs.

Successful co-creation of products

We integrate all relevant reference groups in the product development: Product managers, customers B2C / B2B, sales, brand managers, etc. In joint workshops, we develop new concepts or improve and optimize existing concepts with the aid of creative techniques.

High competence for products with intensive distribution

When it comes to products that require strong sales activities, we systematically include not only the customer perspective but also the distribution perspective in our market research. This lets you estimate chances of success, possible obstacles and willingness to pay in a valid and integrated manner.

High conjoint expertise

We have high experience and a scientific reputation in implementing conjoint analyses and control the entire range of state-of-the-art conjoint procedures. We are happy to advise you in the selection of the approaches best suited for your product development.

Differentiated potential analyses

We have extensive experience in deriving market potentials and consider numerous parameters for a reliable assessment of the market success.
We can also work with various market scenarios.


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“Profit from our high expertise in product research and price calculations!”

Contact us today. It’s worth it!

Robert Quinke, CEO of HEUTE UND MORGEN

“Profit from our high expertise in product research and price calculations!”

Contact us today. It’s worth it!

Dr. Michaela Brocke, CEO of HEUTE UND MORGEN

“Profit from our high expertise in product research and price calculations!”

Contact us today. It’s worth it!

Tanja Höllger, CEO of HEUTE UND MORGEN

“Profit from our high expertise in product research and price calculations!”