Today lasting success in market research & company consultations also significantly depends on the partners and networks you work with. By exchanging and networking knowledge and experiences, we can more easily master new challenges and better reach sophisticated goals. We collaborate with many notable partners in research and practice and maintain active win-win relationships. Our customers also profit from this very directly.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is an active member in the professional association of German market and social researchers (Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. – BVM).

HEUTE UND MORGEN is an active member of Marketing Club Köln-Bonn e.V.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a partner of Fresenius University.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a cooperative partner of Versicherungsforen Leipzig.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is an official forum partner of Gesundheitsforen Leipzig.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a cooperative partner of the AMC network.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a study partner of V.E.R.S. Leipzig.
(Spin-off of Institut für Versicherungswissenschaften e.V. at the University of Leipzig).

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a study partner of the social media consultation firm “As im Ärmel“.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a cooperation partner of SCHEDDING organizational consulting (systematic consultations & coaching as part of our projects in the personnel & organization area).

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a study and cooperation partner of the Internet portal marktforschung.de.

HEUTE UND MORGEN is a study and cooperation partner of the Internet portal consulting.de.