«If you only know a hammer, you think every problem is a nail.»

Methods in market research are not end in itself but specific ways to reach particular goals. Based on our high method expertise and mature range of methods, we always apply those methods that get you to your goal in the best, most reliable and quickest way.
We expressly advise against run-of-the-mill concepts and cheap market research, which misses the goal by far, only satisfies alibi functions or produces more dangers than real progress. We want you to receive the answers that you really need and which advance you over the long term. That is why coherent overall concepts, thorough method consultations and a professional application of methods are among the standards of our service offer.

Key offers – qualitative market research

Our qualitative market research makes it possible to comprehend all of the important facets of market-related topics as well as see and thoroughly understand the motives and effects which the behavior is founded on. Here the goal is not to get statistically representative statements but to capture all of the mental and psycho-social aspects that are significant for an issue (in trade language: “psychological representativeness”). Psychological and statistical representativeness does not pose a contradiction but the two facets are in a close complementary relationship. For that reason, HEUTE UND MORGEN often combines qualitative processes with quantitative approaches. Often both methods are needed together to create a complete image of market-relevant factors and action-relevant correlations. Below you will find a selection of qualitative methods which we frequently use.

In-depth interviews
With our psychological in-depth interviews, we determine and analyze specific motives, modes of action, needs and emotions – as well as their psycho-dynamic meanings and correlations – in a particularly rich and profound form. We only use psychologically trained and highly experienced experts in this process.
Group discussions &
focus groups
In a short time, based on a creative, socially interactive climate, our moderated group discussions and workshops will give you a broad overview of the basic experiences, motives, needs and decision-making criteria for your target groups. A live observation of opinion formation processes is also possible in the group. This way individual suggestions can be tested directly in terms of acceptance and consensus.
Qualitative B2B interviews
Based on their close business relations and high relevance for their companies, business partners place especially high demands on the professionalism and competence of B2B surveys. Our experienced B2B interviewers conduct interviews on an equal footing with your B2B target groups and can achieve high utilization rates and profound insights even with particularly demanding target clients.
Online communities
Online communities are increasingly popular. Compared to traditional focus groups, especially with an asynchronous implementation, they can trace analyses of specific topics over longer time periods, intensify them and follow up, observe relevant development processes and gain even more profound insights overall.
Co-creation workshops
At our part- or all-day co-creation workshops, employees from the client’s company work directly with particularly creative minds in the target group. The following development fields are possible application areas: Product ideas and product concepts, brand architecture, communication, advertisements or future scenarios. External experts from the fields of marketing, communication and product design etc. can optionally supplement the group. The method is comparatively complex but generate a very high and unique benefit.
Guideline-supported phone interviews
We prefer to apply guideline-supported qualitative phone interviews when the target groups are regionally scattered and difficult to reach. Compared to the alternative of local individual interviews (or group discussions), the recruitment and scheduling of the interviews therefore becomes much more simple and uncomplicated – and this actually makes some research processes even possible.

Key competencies – qualitative market research

Develop an extensive understanding of people and markets!

Professional interviewers & moderators

In our qualitative research projects, the project manager generally accomplishes part of the interviews on his or her own, or participates in all group discussions or workshops as moderator or co-moderator.
Other interviewers and moderators all have psychological training and have longstanding interviewing experience. We also exclusively use staff with industry experience and brief them extensively on the concrete issues.

High-grade recruitment of discussion partners

Due to the low sample sizes, it is crucial in qualitative research projects to have the respondents correspond exactly to the specified sampling criteria.
That is why we handle the recruitment of sophisticated interview partners ourselves whenever possible. Alternatively, we only work with selected field institutes that ensure reliable recruitment.

High transparency in the execution

If desired, our customers are welcome to accompany all group discussions and interviews in the test studies, while adhering to the privacy policy. There is also the option to participate in briefings and analytical sessions with the interviewers involved in the project.

Intelligent connection of methods

The connection of qualitative and quantitative methods is often a matter of choice: a qualitative pre-study, for example, can provide valuable contents and aspects for a subsequent representative survey and also serve as the basis for the development of everyday questionnaire items. In turn, a deeper qualitative study following a quantitative survey can contribute to a better understanding of backgrounds and the correlations between particular results. It can also generate concrete approaches for development and optimization measures.

Key offers – quantitative market research

HEUTE UND MORGEN offers you all of the reliable survey methods in quantitative market research. To answer your questions, we rely on the compilation methods and statistical analysis processes which are most suitable for your questions. We also provide you with extensive advice on the advantages and disadvantages of individual methods for the study purpose. Below you will find some of the quantitative market research methods that we use with particular frequency.

Panel surveys

BIn panel surveys, we prefer to work with panel providers who actively recruit their members, ensuring the representative status and avoiding the registration of “incentive chasers”. Additionally, we also rely on innovative survey techniques and “mafotainment” in panel surveys as well as online surveys. This way we reach respondents with high intrinsic motivation and can achieve the highest possible answer quality and utilization.
Online surveys
Online surveys are often the method of choice if the target group is best reached via the Internet or submitted email addresses. Advantages include short field periods at lower data compilation costs and the option to integrate complex questions and multimedia contents. During the field period, our customers have the opportunity to view already existing real-time results and result mappings via online dashboards.
Studio tests
Studio tests with face-to-face surveys are particularly well-suited for complex research contents that require explanations. This also applies to questions that require a more individual response to the surveyed person from a methodological view (e.g. high amount of open questions, very personal or “delicate” survey contents, etc.).

CATI surveys

Our phone surveys result in a high utilization of difficult-to-reach target groups by means of a personal approach by the interviewer. This is often the preferred method in the B2B area. Also in all cases in which the topic of the survey requires a personal interview.
Mobile surveys
The strengths of using mobile research lie particularly in questions that require a direct study at the “point of experience”. Mobile research is therefore not just a trendy 1:1 implementation of established online surveys to a new medium. Instead, this primarily concerns the integration of a new method into specific areas that show a high mobility character.
Online customer surveys with mailed invitation
Our online surveys with mailed invitations make it possible to reach difficult target groups as well. At the same time, they avoid data security problems which might otherwise pose an obstacle to customer surveys. The unavoidable “media break” (from a letter to the Internet link) is bridged with an additional QR code. We have actually gained excellent experiences with this method, even in large projects with over 100,000 approached customers, reaching above-average response rates. Use our enormous experience in applying this method!

Key competencies – quantitative market research

Our measurements are valid and reliable!

Superior data compilation

The validity of market research results fundamentally depends on the quality of the data compilation. That is why we work exclusively with field institutes and panel providers with proven quality. In online panel surveys, we prefer to rely on completely actively recruited panels. We already check the data quality and consistency as we compile it.
In online surveys, we use a particularly high-quality, fully adaptive and mobile-ready software – with a server location in Germany.

Extensive analytical depth

We are looking for truly new insights for you that effectively advance your company on its way to the future. To this end, we immerse ourselves deeply in the data and use sophisticated statistical processes, including neural networks, structural equation models, conjoint analyses and the LMG model. Because sometimes it takes complex methods to reach surprisingly clear insights and foundations for future decisions.

Individual research tools

Perfect questionnaires are the scaffolding which profitable analyses are built on. That is why we develop our research tools on the basis of our extensive experience, customized for your specific questions. Because: Standard tools only lead to standard insights. We provide you with much more!

Clear and target group-oriented results

We don’t provide the customary sheets of figures but results that are prepared and visualized with high quality – with a guideline and detailed interpretation. On the basis of well-established analyses and high industry competence, we develop practical recommendations for actions that create important impulses for the future.


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“With our matured concepts and methods, we will give you the answers that you really need and can advance with.”

Contact us today. It’s worth it!

Robert Quinke, CEO of HEUTE UND MORGEN

“With our matured concepts and methods, we will give you the answers that you really need and can advance with.”

Contact us today. It’s worth it!

Dr. Michaela Brocke, CEO of HEUTE UND MORGEN

“With our matured concepts and methods, we will give you the answers that you really need and can advance with.”

Contact us today. It’s worth it!

Tanja Höllger, CEO of HEUTE UND MORGEN

“With our matured concepts and methods, we will give you the answers that you really need and can advance with.”